A platform to easily engage
everyone in innovation

  • Why?

    Innovation should be broad and continuous

    Today innovation goes well beyond products and technology. Creativity can add strength in any aspect of the business. Total business innovation is the motto.

    Everybody can contribute to innovation

    Not everybody is creative. Yet, innovation demands different kinds of skills. This may include raising the right questions, linking distinct ideas, contributing to raw ideas, collaborating with other to fine-tune novel concepts, and more.

    An orderly process benefits everyone

    Management gets certainty. Collaborators get visibility for their contributions.

    Sharp Innovations come from great challenges

    The best way to spark productive creativity is to define focused and relevant challenges. People engage when the challenge posed by management makes sense to them.

    Objective criteria create a feeling of justice

    Collaborators feel well treated when concept solutions are selected on justifiable criteria.

  • What?

    From Challenges to Novel Concepts and Projects

    Covers the steps of idea generation to translate a focused, creative challenge into ideas, concepts and project specifications.

    Enabling creativity to surface

    Both when creativity is guided by a challenge and when it is emergent by inner personal inspiration.

    Problem Solving is led by creativity

    When sheer remarkable acumen is the strongest path to problem solving.

    Stepwise with growing concreteness

    A well-structured process covering all critical steps in idea management, such as a pipeline with criteria for idea selection.

    Balancing regularity and tailor-made design

    A proven process framework yet flexible to be adapted to local demands of customer.

Access to our platform to get started in the world of innovation

Yes, cyclists!

Dare to win with robust innovation

American Cup 2017: New Zealand team won
7 to 1 over the USA with the introduction of a
human-centered Innovation

Innovate with us