Covers all steps to translate a top management request (Purpose, Vision, Thrust, New Strategy, ..) into a set of concrete team actions (initiatives, projects).
Make the vision of a transformation tangible by focusing each team on solving concrete problems withing selected critical success areas.
When you deploy a high aspirational strategy, after identifying strategic problems, innovation helps to solve them.
Top management is confident that teams apply the best Innovation technique (Design Thinking, Creativity, Integrative Thinking, Lean UX, ...) to the most relevant challenges
They are interdependent and both benefit from each other to deliver superior results.
At each step along the strategy deployment, objectives guide actions. Purposes guide commitments. Teams ask what is it that we want to accomplish and specially why.
At each step, teams identify what is the next right move, what is the right problem to solve, not just how to do better what we have done in the past.
Teams develop an action plan to overcome rock blocks in the middle of the strategic path, designed to accomplish their focal objective and so contribute to the shared strategic purpose.
Companies decide how they want to fine-tune a general scheme to their needs.
The framework used integrates the request of strategy deployment, with the potential of management innovation and the impact of human-centered design.
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American Cup 2017: New Zealand team won
7 to 1 over the USA with the introduction of a
human-centered Innovation