On January 9, 2020, the topic was “The Role of the Chief Executive in how to prepare the company to face an eventual crisis”, yes, only three weeks before Coronavius-19.
The coming meeting will deal with themes such as:
How to gain the advantages of the large firms and small businesses at the same time with a new organizing model.
Corporate development opportunities: M&A, strategic alliances or organic growth?
Longevity and implications at the personal, professional, firm, economic and social levels.
When is the best time to go public? And to sell the company?
The next meeting will take place on July 11, 2024, at Iese-Barcelona, on the first topic. We will have a distinguished guest executive who will discuss the case of his successful company.
Click here to see the program in more detailContact us
Talk offered by Antonio Bravo
Head of Agile Organization, BBVA at i-TOP IESE, July 11, 2019
American Cup 2017: New Zealand team won
7 to 1 over the USA with the introduction of a
human-centered Innovation